Killen for House
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Welcome to the official site for the KILLEN FOR HOUSE campaign.

We adhere to the Democratic principles that emphasize strong communities by assuring access to quality public education for our children, affordable access to health care for all of Idaho's citizens, social justice as an objective in public policy, and environmental policies that look at long term outcomes.

A focus on the community's real concerns: Too often legislators lose focus on the basic concerns of their constituents - improved schools, affordable healthcare, and living wages are everyone's concerns.  Single interest and single issues political grandstanding does not put food on this table.

Good legislation requires good legislators: Effective legislators should have a wide range of skills and life experiences couple with the judgement to thoroughly analyze complex issues, to fully consider the consequences of proposed solutions, and to carefully craft legislation to address underlying problems, not merely their systems.


Think Globally, Act Locally. 
Support the party that will listen and be your voice in your community.  Idaho Democrats

Bill Killen
Vote for Bill Killen on November 7, 2006
Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sales and specials!

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Idaho House of Representatives
District 17 - House Seat A